View Full Version : Which bonus to take?

05-10-2006, 10:11 AM
firstly, i have rb of 30% but bonus wont counmt towards it....

1)deposit bonus of $250 which is 10x bonus points
2) deopsit bonus of $600 which is 15x bonus points

both limited to 45days max with no incremental payments

could someone explain the pros and cons (assume 5k bonus points per month) with a brief explanation so i can work this out myself in the future

ps any tips for indigestion would also be helpful!


05-10-2006, 10:40 AM
If this is your regular site and you plan to play there, earning 5k points per month, then you expect to earn 7.5k points in 45 days, which means that you can't get the $600 bonus (requires 9k points) without increasing the amount you play. If you don't mind increasing your play, then go for the $600 bonus.

If you take the $250 bonus, then you will clear it in about 15 days, which will allow you to earn 30 days worth of rb.

Let's say you earn $r in rb, per month. The extra $350 in bonus is worth $350-$r. If that number to you is significant enough to justify increasing your play to an average of 6k points per month, then you should take the $600 bonus instead of the $250 bonus.

05-10-2006, 11:43 AM
don't even think about 2).

i assume this is on ongame network (pokerroom skins). you should avoid any offer over 10x, as there is more than enough 10x max offers. just think about how much you're losing by doing 15x. there is over 40 PR skins...

05-10-2006, 12:55 PM
technicly a 15x bonus where rakeback isn't deducted from mgr is about the same as a regular 10x. But a 10x bonus w/o rakeback deducted is odviously better then the 15x...
If your gonna play all the hands anyhow it is odviously more profitable for the 15x.

05-10-2006, 08:33 PM
thanks for the help guys.... i went for the 250 in the end