View Full Version : Reads, Consciousness, God

J. Stew
05-04-2006, 01:58 AM
How do you read a player. Obviously it get subtler and subtler, your read, the longer you play with a guy. You get to know him. Once you can crush a guy, what is it that you know. You know all his subtle signs, you know what he's holding because your read controls him in a way. You are essentially causing him to lose money. So there's the gross realm where the poker game is going on, the subtle realm where you are reading these 'signs' he's giving off, maybe the overall impression of the table if you're playing against more than one guy, and there's the causal realm where you are actualizing the subtle signs you are picking up, putting the read into action which causes a certain dynamic at the table. Of course even when you don't know that you are acting in the causal realm you actually are, though in a weaker way than someone who is taking your money because they see something you don't.

My point being that these realms, which are pretty obvious to exist I think, are exactly what Mystics have been talking about with spirituality for thousands of years, mystics being the ones who are actually supposed to 'know' God to a greater degree. They say there's the gross realm, subtle, causal and you can continue on infinitely, be able to 'see' deeper subtle where you can act causal more easily, then maybe you see causal easily and can move causal in some way. It's, reality is, infinitely deep, you can keep going down the rabbit hole as they say.

I mean this is obvious right, if you play poker at least, you see these subtle levels and act accordingly, and what measures your poker aptitude is basically if you can dominate people, read them, act on it, and take their money.

So consciousness is the backdrop for thinking and seeing these subtle signs, and then you act in a way that is correct given your read. Consciousness is infinite in this way. God is said to be infinite. What is the difference between God and consciousness really. Both are unknown, mysterious, same thing to me.