View Full Version : PSO Instant Bankroll + TopBucks40/50?

05-01-2006, 04:08 PM
Excuse my newb question, but I just signed up for Instant Bankroll Bonus from PSO ($100). It is processing.

In the meantime, can I deposit using TopBucks40/50 and work through those bonuses without jepardizing my PSO instant bankroll bonus? I don't see anything in T&C preventing me from doing so, but I may be wrong... Opinions?


05-01-2006, 04:49 PM
You can deposit and clear them all. I dont know if the PSO is like a regular bonus where it counts the raked hands on Party's website though. If it is like that then you have to do them one by one, they can all be pending but they dont clear at the same time. But if the PSO one can clear along with one of the TopBucks ones then that would work pretty good. So after that little ramble, yes you can deposit.

05-01-2006, 06:18 PM
The PSO bonus IS the bankroll of $75. Once you play 500 (if I recall correctly) PARTY (not PSO) releases $25.